Financial Wellness in the Workplace  

Financial wellness programs are increasingly recognized as vital components of an employer’s comprehensive benefits package. More than half of the employers who have initiated such programs have witnessed higher than anticipated utilization rates. This aligns with the findings of a 2023 Workplace Wellness Survey conducted by EBRI/Greenwald Research, revealing that over half of American workers’ […]

Estimating Your Retirement Income Needs

Adapted from Broadridge Communication Services You know how important it is to plan for your retirement, but where do you begin? One of your first steps should be to estimate how much income you’ll need to fund your retirement. That’s not as easy as it sounds, because retirement planning is not an exact science. Every […]

Saving for Retirement and a Child’s Education at the Same Time

Adapted from Broadridge Investor Communication Services  Everyone wants to retire comfortably when the time comes. We may also want to help our children go to college. So how do you juggle the two? The truth is, saving for your retirement and your child’s education at the same time can be a challenge. If you make […]

Roth vs. Pre-Tax Contributions

Roth in Retirement Accounts “What’s the difference between pre-tax and Roth?” This is one of the most common questions I receive when working with employees enrolling in a 401(k) plan. The decision to make either type of contribution to your retirement account (whether it is an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), etc.) is a complex decision that […]

2023 Retirement Plan Updates and SECURE Act 2.0

The end of 2022 brought several noteworthy changes to retirement savings plans. The changes are intended to have positive impacts on the ability to save for retirement and will have lasting impacts on the retirement savings industry in America. In October of 2022, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) set the 2023 salary contribution limits for […]

2022 Market Review and Outlook for 2023

The economic and investment landscape for 2022 was memorable – and not in the way most of us want to remember. Despite the increased optimism from investors as we rolled into 2022, the S&P 500 finished the year down 18.13%. The U.S. bond market, normally a safe haven when equity markets fall, posted returns of […]

Benefits of Financial Planning

When it comes to your personal financial well-being, a financial plan is an invaluable tool to have. A good plan will give you a detailed view of your assets and debts, cash flow, and the protections on the life and property within the plan. While it might seem like an overwhelming process at first, the […]

How and Why

Heartland Trust Company has served our clients for over 32 years. WOW! And we are just gettingstarted! It has been an exciting few months at Heartland. Our staff is growing and we are thrilled aboutupcoming advancements to our business. We will have more to share in our next newsletter.

Sticker Shock: Creative Ways to Lower the Cost of College

Even with all of your savvy college shopping and research about financial aid, college costs maystill be prohibitive. At these prices, you expect you’ll need to make substantial financialsacrifices to send your child to college. Or maybe your child won’t be able to attend the collegeof his or her choice at all. Before you throw […]

Practical Investment Considerations for Nonprofit Foundations and Endowment

Full disclaimer: this article is not all encompassing. You could write a long book on foundation and endowment investment management. This is a collection of thoughts and opinions about what I think foundation and endowment boards should consider. If you’ve ever met me, you know I’m both opinionated and long-winded. So, if you serve on […]