How and Why
Heartland Trust Company has served our clients for over 32 years. WOW! And we are just gettingstarted! It has been an exciting few months at Heartland. Our staff is growing and we are thrilled aboutupcoming advancements to our business. We will have more to share in our next newsletter.
Sticker Shock: Creative Ways to Lower the Cost of College
Even with all of your savvy college shopping and research about financial aid, college costs maystill be prohibitive. At these prices, you expect you’ll need to make substantial financialsacrifices to send your child to college. Or maybe your child won’t be able to attend the collegeof his or her choice at all. Before you throw […]
Practical Investment Considerations for Nonprofit Foundations and Endowment
Full disclaimer: this article is not all encompassing. You could write a long book on foundation and endowment investment management. This is a collection of thoughts and opinions about what I think foundation and endowment boards should consider. If you’ve ever met me, you know I’m both opinionated and long-winded. So, if you serve on […]