Dustin is the Investment Officer at Heartland Trust Company. He oversees investment research, meets with analysts, and does much of the financial planning for our clients.

Tell us about yourself.

I’m a north Fargo native and attended Minnesota State University Moorhead from 2007 to 2011. I guide discussions in our Investment Committee and have a mild obsession with statistics and analytics. Aside from working with clients, a large portion of my role revolves around conducting research and meeting with outside analysts.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I spend time with my wonderful girlfriend and get outdoors as much as possible during the summer. In the last couple years, I’ve made an effort to travel, kayak, camp, and bike more; so I’ve been trying to get out to the nearby state parks as much as I can (Glendalough is becoming a fast favorite). International travel is something I’ve been fortunate enough to do recently. I’ve been to Canada, the Czech Republic, Japan, Hungary, Spain, and Austria to name a few. I’ll be visiting Germany, Switzerland, and Italy in the near future as well. I also like to cook and experiment in the kitchen, as you will see from my recipe below.

How long have you been at Heartland Trust Company?

I’ve been at Heartland Trust Company for three-and-a-half years and worked in investment finance for roughly seven years. Prior to joining Heartland Trust Company, I worked at a major broker-dealer and a boutique Registered Investment Advisor in similar roles.

What is your favorite part about working at Heartland Trust Company?

My favorite part about working at Heartland Trust is the amount of input all employees have. I don’t know how many clients are aware of that. We’re all encouraged to speak up and give our thoughts on how we can improve the business and the client experience. It sounds corny, but there isn’t an “I” in Heartland Trust Company. We’re very much a “we” and “us” oriented company that strives to work as a team. That kind of mentality doesn’t usually fly in a large corporate banking environment where executives and management issue edicts and you’re expected to follow them without adding any opinions or insight. That business model runs contrary to our core values.

Recipe – The Best Pan-Fried Burgers

About a month ago, I set out to cook the best stovetop burger possible. I’m going to come out there and say this isn’t exactly the most time- or cost-effective recipe. It involves grinding your own (fresh) meat and a lot of time.



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