There are many great quotes out there that are relevant right now, but it’s a lyric from Bob Dylan’s song, Brownsville Girl (a B-side track from the 80’s) that is in my mind: “Strange how people who suffer together have stronger connections than people who are most content.”

Yes, the times they are a-changin’ in many different ways, and it is easy to feel alone or isolated as we all do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19. But remember . . . our families, businesses, communities, states, and countries are all in this together. We have all been forced to look at things from a different angle. Ultimately, it is making us stronger and pushing us forward so that we can be more resilient in the future. 

As we suffer through these unique times, Dylan’s words remind us that we will have built stronger connections when this all passes. Think of your connections with your families, workplace, faith, groups of friends, and alma maters. Maybe there’s hope for politics as well. Stay connected and be strong for those who need someone to listen to them; it will strengthen our bonds. 

At Heartland Trust Company, we have had to adapt to how we do a lot of things, but ultimately it is making us better as a company. Teammates have stepped up to help others and deliver results, new processes have been developed that make us more efficient, and there is a greater appreciation for actually seeing our teammates in person. 

As a small business jumping over the same hurdles everyone else is, we want you to know that we are proud to work for such wonderful people and businesses. Your well-being is top of mind for us in these challenging times!

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