Thirty-Five Years – a major chunk of time,
and a major chunk of changes.

As the song says, 1990 “was a very good year” – the origin of Heartland Trust Company!!
Heartland Trust Company started with 800 square feet of office space at 700 Main Ave, moved to South 8th St. with 1,660 square feet, and moved to our current location with 10,000 square feet of space in 2005.

Business was conducted with land lines, “snail mail”, fax machines, early email, rudimentary spreadsheet and word processing programs, basic accounting software, and personal contacts. Today, sophisticated integrated software programs and apps are “in the cloud”, scanned documents, texts, email, and cell phones are standard fare.

The one thing that has NOT changed at Heartland Trust Company over the years – personal contact and personal service to our clients. We are fortunate to have many long-term relationships dating back to the beginning of HTC, and a number of those relationships now include the next generation as clients.

While Steve, Gary, and Sheryl have eased out of the day-to-day “front lines” and management of HTC, the entire staff of professionals at HTC are all dedicated to continuing that commitment to our current clients, as well as future relationships.

The next generation of leaders and officers are well positioned to maintain the high standards of client service, and to continue the growth and success of Heartland  Trust Company well into the future.


1990: Approx. 3,000 mutual funds
Today: Approx. 8,000 mutual funds


1990: Client Assets of $8 Million
Today: Client Assets of $958 Million


1990: S&P 500 – 330, Dow – 2,633
Today: S&P 500 – 6,040, Dow 44,545


1990: 3 HTC Employees
Today: 31 HTC Employees

1990-2025: Steve, Gary, and Sheryl all got a little older (maybe a little wiser??)

90's Tidbits!

Smart phones did not exist until 1994
Cargo pants were “in”
Mood rings told us how we were feeling
Fanny packs held our valuables
The Macarena was the hot dance


“To provide a lifelong commitment to the well-being of those we serve.”