Meet Abby Kruse 
Abby Kruse is a local high school English teacher who helps with projects around the office this
summer. She and Ethan Linder, Administrative Associate – Personal Trusts, are planning their wedding
in September 2023.

Tell us about yourself
I grew up in Monticello, Minnesota, with my aunt and uncle. After graduating, I made my way to
Moorhead for college at Concordia (go, Cobbers!). I graduated from Concordia with a degree in English
education with a language arts licensure. Since graduating college, I’ve been working at Sheyenne High
School as a 10 th grade English teacher. At college, I was lucky to meet my fiancé Ethan Linder – we’re in
the midst of planning for our wedding in September 2023.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
In my free time, I enjoy reading, golfing, cooking, playing tennis, hiking, and traveling. Most Tuesdays,
you can find Ethan and I at the movie theater watching the latest movie release. Lastly, I love spending
time with family and friends.
Tell us about your favorite life experience.
 My favorite life experience so far has probably been a trip I took with a friend’s family through Norway
and Sweden. For two weeks, we experienced the Scandinavian marvels, including a fun summer solstice
where the sun stayed up all night long.
What was the first car you owned?
 The very first car I owned was a 2008 Chevy Equinox with a sweet sunroof that my friends and I would
drive around in constantly. This lasted for three months before someone crashed into me at a stoplight.
If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why? 
I would like to meet Queen Elizabeth I (not the current queen, but the one from the late 1500s). To be
such an influential leader during a flourishing but tumultuous time in the country is beyond fascinating.
She made such a great impact on a lot of things that we value today, like theater. To meet her and pick
her brain about anything and everything would be beyond cool.
What is your favorite part about working at Heartland Trust?
 While my funny answer would be the popcorn, my favorite part about working at Heartland Trust is the
people. You’ll meet some of the kindest and most caring individuals here.
Do you have a favorite recipe you would like to share?
For every one of my birthdays, my aunt who raised me has made me a spinach egg bake. It’s recipe I will
live and die by.
Spinach Egg Bake
12 eggs, beaten
1 pack of frozen spinach
½ medium onion, diced
2 cups of shredded, sharp cheddar
Olive oil

2 teaspoons garlic salt

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees and oil a 9×13 baking pan.
  2. Microwave the frozen spinach and drain the liquid.
  3. Crack and beat your 12 eggs. Add the spinach, onion, cheddar, garlic salt, and pepper and mix it
    all together.
  4. Dump egg mixture into the greased pan and bake for about 35-40 minutes, or until the edges
    start to crisp up and brown.
  5. Let cool for about 10 minutes to allow everything to firm up. Serve warm or eat cold after
    chilling it in the fridge overnight (my favorite!).

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