When Does a 401(k) Plan Require a Plan Audit

Jana Samek

Jana Samek

Jana Samek, VP/Director of Retirement Services

In 1974 Congress passed the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) which governs 401(k) plans. It requires any private employer that establishes and maintains a 401(k) plan to meet certain standards in order to benefit from the tax advantages of the plan. One standard that must be met for larger plans is a plan audit.

A plan audit is a review of a company’s qualified retirement plan by a third party Independent Certified Public Accountant. The audit ensures the plan is adhering to Department of Labor and ERISA regulations.  Auditors review information provided on a plan’s Form 5500 and financial statements to verify accuracy. They determine whether the plan fulfills its fiduciary responsibilities and whether an employer is operating its plan correctly. They also identify possible operational errors and potential fraud risks.  

How do you know if your 401(k) plan will require a plan audit?

Administrators of a 401(k) plan subject to ERISA must file an annual report called the Form 5500. This publicly available return provides statistical and financial information about the plan.

The plan will file as either a “large plan” or a “small plan.” Generally, a large plan covers 100 or more eligible participants; a small plan covers less than 100 eligible participants

How those participants are counted, however, is complex.

With the passing of the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (SECURE Act), the DOL decided to count participants with account balances at the start of the plan year, rather than counting those who are eligible to participate. This affects plans beginning on or after January 1, 2023. This change in counting methodology allows smaller plans that formerly were required to have an audit to waive the requirement. This reduces the expenses for small plans and encourages more small employers to offer a retirement savings plan to their employees.

The DOL regulations also include an 80/120 Rule that allows a plan to continue filing as either a large or small plan even when the participant count fluctuates. For example, if a plan has been filing as a small plan and its participant level rises above 99 but not above 120, it may continue to file as a small plan. If the count does not exceed 120, there is no limit on the number of years an employer may use this exception. Once the plan count exceeds 120 participants at the beginning of the year, it will be subject to the large plan audit requirements.

A plan eligible for the 80/120 rule usually takes advantage of it because it means less costly filing fees and it allows them to avoid the plan audit requirement.

Once a small plan files as a large plan, it cannot subsequently file as a small plan using the transition rule, even if the participant count drops below 100. If the participant count drops below 80, then the plan must file as a small plan. Why is the magic number 100 yet 80 and 120 are the limits? A newly established plan with a participant count greater than 99 must file as a large plan.

For large plans requiring an audit, the audit report must be attached to the completed Form 5500 and must be electronically filed with the IRS by the end of the seventh month following the plan year-end (July 31 for calendar year-end plans). An extension may be filed if needed to extend the filing date by two-and-a-half months behind the regular deadline (October 15 for calendar year-end plans).

If a large plan does not include an independent audit report with the Form 5500 filing, it is treated as if the Form 5500 was never filed. This can result in significant monetary penalties assessed by both the IRS and the DOL and may affect your plan’s qualified status.



401(k) Plan Audit Requirement (401k-plan-audit.com)

401(k) Plan Audit Requirement (401k-plan-audit.com)

What To Know about IRS Annual 401(k) Audit Requirement | Human Interest

What is the Large Plan Audit Requirement – Leading Retirement Solutions

Small Plan or Large Plan? Does My Plan Need an Audit? – Hawkins Ash CPAs

ASPPA QKA References

Fact Sheet: Changes for the 2023 Form 5500 and Form 5500-SF Annual Return/Reports | U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov)

Jana Samek, Relationship Manager – Retirement ServicesWhen Does a 401(k) Plan Require a Plan Audit
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Retirement Plan Limits for 2022

Jana Samek, Retirement Services – Relationship Manager

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has set inflation-adjusted limits for IRAs and company-sponsored retirement plans for 2022. While some of the contribution limits have remained the same, other limits have changed.

The basic salary contribution limit for a 401(k) and similar company sponsored retirement plans went up to $20,500 for 2022. This is a $1,000 increase from last year. The catch-up contribution limit for those who are 50 years of age or better remained the same at $6,500.

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401(k) Loans: How Do They Work?

By Jana Samek, Relationship Manager – Qualified Plans

Having access to a 401(k) plan through your workplace is a wonderful thing. Over half (56%) of US employers offer this employee benefit. If you have a 401(k) plan and face a financial emergency, there may be an option you are unaware of. You may be able to take a loan from your vested balance, depending on the provisions of your plan.


Keep in mind, the purpose of a 401(k) is to save for retirement. If you take money out of it now, you’ll risk not having enough money saved in retirement, especially if you don’t have any other savings put towards your retirement years. You may also incur stiff tax consequences and penalties for withdrawing before age 59½. Before taking a loan, the question you should ask yourself is will taking money from my 401(k) today jeopardize my financial security in the future?

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Retirement Plan Restatement

Every six years the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires certain qualified retirement plans to be fully amended and restated to comply with law changes. The Cycle 3 Defined Contribution (DC) Plan Restatement period began on August 1, 2020, and plan sponsors of defined contributions plans (401(k), profit-sharing, and money purchase pension plans) will have until July 31, 2022, to comply. Plans that do not restate their plan document by this date will be subject to IRS-imposed penalties, which, in extreme cases, could jeopardize the plan’s tax-qualified status.

So why is this important? Plan documents are the framework that an individual retirement plan must follow. They are drafted based on laws and regulations set forth by three federal regulators: Congress, the Treasury Department (IRS), and the Department of Labor (DOL). The IRS is the main overseer, and it has the ability to “pre-approve” plan documents. 

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Retirement Plan Limits for 2021

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has set inflation-adjusted limits for IRAs and company-sponsored retirement plans for 2021. While some of the contribution limits have remained the same, other limits important to determining the amount you can save have changed.

The basic salary contribution limit for a 401(k) and similar company-sponsored retirement plans remains the same at $19,500; and the catch-up contribution for those who are 50 years of age or better, also remained the same at $6,500. However, the overall annual additions limit for these types of plans goes up from $57,000 to $58,000 in 2021.

The table below provides additional information regarding the 2021 contribution limits for retirement accounts as well as prior limits for the past five years. It is for informational purposes only.

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When to Consider Target-Date Funds

Since target-date funds were first offered in the early 1990s, they’ve become a widespread investment vehicle for retirement. Their booming popularity is no surprise. After all, a target-date fund (or TDF) is easy for novice investors to manage, and even experienced investors can appreciate the hands-off simplicity they can offer.

But do your research: a TDF may not always be the best choice for you.

TDFs are designed for individuals with particular retirement dates in mind. In fact, the name of the fund often refers to its target date. For example, you might see funds with names like “Portfolio 2030,” “Retirement Fund 2030,” or “Target 2030″ that are intended for individuals who plan to retire in or near the year 2030. The fund’s mix of investments automatically adjusts as time moves on, becoming more conservative as you get older and closer to retirement.

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COLA Limits for 2019

The Internal Revenue Service and the Social Security Administration have announced the cost of living adjustments (COLA) applicable to dollar limitations for retirement accounts and the Social Security wage base for 2019. Many of the limits have changed for the 2019 plan year. Changes for 2019 are in bold in the chart below.

IRA and SIMPLE plan limits are both up $500. The annual IRA limit is now $6,000 (catch-up remains the same at $1,000 for those 50 and older) and the SIMPLE limit is $13,000 (catch-up remains at $3,000).

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